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We’d like you to think of arkHarbor as a trusted partner with real world experience.

ArkHarbor Solutions has a passion to meet the needs of growing businesses in challenging times! 


Our experienced perspective is based on more than 20 years of working in Fortune 500 and midsized companies.  As a result, we have a strong understanding of the critical importance of collaboration between IT and business units when establishing technology strategy and leading the development of a company’s strategic technology roadmap.   We are keenly familiar with the strategic business concerns of many CFO & CEO executives. 


Thanks to a wealth of hands-on experience in business and IT operations, you can trust us to understand the needs of Operations and technology organizations, with first-hand understanding of what it takes to support growing organizations. 


Our tested experience includes:


  • Optimizing business operations

  • Leading the creation of new fulfillment systems and infrastructure

  • Implementing ERP systems

  • CRM and Website Reimagining & Reinvention 

  • Driving business change initiatives.


Let us help your company achieve its vision!

ArkHarbor Solutions was founded by Dan Hennessey after more than 20 years serving in diverse hands-on roles, including CIO/VP of IT and Sr. Business Operations.  Dan holds an MBA/MOT degree in the Management of Technology from Polytechnic University of NYU, and BS degrees in Behavioral Science and Theology.

  1. "Dan is a technology visionary and strong thought leader in the Media industry. He is a great IT/Business partner and collaborative with unrelenting communication skills (written and verbal). He manages conflicts effectively, reaches across boundaries and develops lasting professional relationships."

Anji G Reddy CPIM,PMP, CEO at VSoft Global

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